With the increasing news and concern regarding the COVID-19 virus, GD Energy Products wants to ensure our customers that we are monitoring the developing situation, and we want to thank you for your patience during this very challenging situation. Our team is closely monitoring the status of the outbreak and its potential impact on our supply chain in the industry. Our top priority is keeping our employees, customers, and other stakeholders safe while doing whatever is reasonable to keep our customers operating.
At this time, GD Energy Products remains open for business across all locations including Tulsa, OK; Ft. Worth, TX; Quincy, IL; Odessa, TX; Altoona, PA; San Antonio, TX; Dickinson, ND; Edmonton, AB, CAN; and Grande Prairie, AB, CAN. In addition to availability of fluid ends, consumables, accessories, and spare parts, we continue to offer power end repairs, and our service technicians are available for on-site maintenance.
As the number of cases continues to escalate globally, GD Energy Products is taking additional preventive measures such as site entry restrictions and having non-production staff to work remotely to stop the potential spread of the disease within our locations. We have also implemented a domestic and international travel ban for non-essential business. In addition, we are considering process changes to our Parts on Demand (POD) program to limit interaction between GD Energy Products and customer personnel. Any changes to your current POD program will be communicated before implementation.
We are complying with all government requirements associated with our warehouses and offices while continuing operations as usual. However, continued government restrictions and limited availability of transportation may cause some delays in the supply chain. We are communicating regularly with our suppliers for updated status information and will keep our customers informed of any potential changes that could severely affect the delivery of our components.
We will continue to monitor the news and any reports or requirements from the CDC and local, state, and federal governments. Our focus, dedication, and support are unwavering as you can lean on us for high pressure, mission critical products and services. We hope you, your employees, and your loved ones remain safe and healthy.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact your local sales representative, or call our 24/7 customer service team at 1-866-GD-PUMPS.
GD Energy Products has entered into a six-month field trial of its new Thunder 5000 HP Quintuplex pump.
January 04, 2020Introducing the new Thunder 5,000 HP Quintuplex pump. The pump is designed for duel fuel gas engines, electric motors, diesel engines and gas...
December 03, 2019